God’s Love Shining Through the Tears: Alexis

Apr 6, 2018

AlexisAlexis read "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." She knelt down at the Mount of Beatitudes and wept. The pain gave her boldness to pour out her question to God, "How am I blessed when I am mourning?" She felt God’s powerful reply, "You are experiencing a level of my comfort that others have not entered into." God helped her understand that precious comfort during her trip to Israel with Covenant Journey.

Exactly one year prior, Alexis' father lost the battle to brain cancer. She had grieved heavily that year. During the last few weeks of her father’s life, God opened a door for her to compete with 3,000 people in The National Fine Arts Festival. She practiced her sermon by her father's bedside, full of faith that he would be healed. In the competition, Alexis was chosen to present to the full audience of 20,000 people where she gave a beautiful, powerful message, on God giving her the grace and strength to follow Him, even when healing was not God’s answer. Her father passed away that week.

Matt 5It was later at the Garden of Gethsemane that Alexis realized Jesus prayed alone when He faced his hardest test. Even His disciples had fallen asleep. She said, "Jesus was isolated in the hardest moment he ever had to endure." However, God gently reminded her that "In your hardest moment, you had 20,000 people that I sent to pray with you. Even going through your hardest time, I was there supporting you." As she read again those familiar words of blessing from the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, the heaviness lifted.

Alexis believes God healed the depths of her grief at the Mount of Beatitudes and powerfully reminded her of the suffering of Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane. She wrote two blog posts about her time on the Journey, The Enemy Has No Place in the Garden and Blessed Are Those Who Mourn. She says, "I'm confident I'll never forget the memories I made and the lessons I learned along the way" in Israel.

Alexis and FrankNow, she is sharing that healing with others. Alexis co-founded an organization called Let's Be Frank to help promote honest living for young people. Specifically, they are reaching people dealing with grief. They have a growing group of video testimonies and blog posts that give young people a platform to be honest with others and share their journey. In the midst of so many filters, her passion is to encourage young people to "be real, honest, and frank," which honors her father, whose first name was Frank.

Alexis received her credentials as a licensed minister through the Assemblies of God church while getting her bachelor's and master's degree. In addition, she helped lead a weekly event called "The Voice" where she emceed this ministry to hundreds of college kids attending on Sunday evenings at Faith Assembly in Orlando, all while still in college herself.

After finishing her master's degree, God opened the door to stay at her home church as the Communications Director. The church created the position so she could come up with "a billion ideas" each week. She loves the "freedom to cast my dream, and write, and creatively minister to the congregation and the community." Already, she has taught workshops at various high school programs, preached at summer camps, and even performed poetry for 500 people on Easter Sunday.

Her time with Covenant Journey has given her a foundation that strengthens both the work she is doing now and the future journey that God will call her to next.

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